Monday, 13 October 2014

Body and Bits

I forget the internet isn't just for researching. Finding. Stalking.

I forgot you were here, little blog.

Oh, what can I say, I'm a busy guy. So many people. So little time.

Still, fun things have a way of finding me. I just came up for some fresh air to see Killcast, and some guy named Reaper, trading barbs. So I figured what the hell, why not join in? We'll see what the show's all about on the 27th, but till then maybe I'll just annoy the crap out of them till I decide if they're for real.

But shit, that's not why you came here, now is it? You came here for a story. Lemme tell you about another kill, hm?

This one was a few years ago. I was growing up, getting more inventive. And I was strolling around the early internet, when creeps were less careful and much easier to trap. Too easy, really, barely a challenge, but I was still growing, so I gave it a shot.

Only took a sec to write a profile. Sec after that, creeps were sending me messages. Picked one, ignored the rest, had him eating out of my little girly hands. Fucker wished!

Got him to an empty old house, way off the track near the woods. Told him I had a big bro that'd let him in, make sure he was harmless - you know, 'cept for wanting to fuck a little girl. Gave him a big smile, and a drink of scotch - laced with a little concoction of my own, of course.

Fucker went down like a sack of flour. Time he woke up, he was strapped to the floor  - like Gulliver, and here I was a giant Liliputian.

Let him wake up - no fun if he can't scream and shit, right? Waited for him to quit yelling and begging and all, then I told him what I was gonna do. Told him each piece I was gonna take of,f and in what order.

Fucking creep screamed till his throat bled Thrashed till he was all bruises. Then he just lay there and looked at me.

Well, shit, he was waiting for me to begin - obviously. Wasn't gonna let him down, either. Had some of those knives that cut through bone. Nice and sharp. Caught the sun real nice too, through the window.

So I started at the bottom. Wanted to see how far up I could get before I lost him. Did it proper - cauterised everything so he didn't bleed out.

Got all the way up to his torso before his heart gave out. Had a nice little pile of pieces by then. Toes. Feet. Legs, all cut up in slices like a tree trunk.

Gotta be honest, didn't except him to last so long. Guy had some serious willpower.

So anyway, I buried the pieces all round the house in a circle and real carefully got the floorboards up to stick the rest of him underneath. Came prepared too - covered him in lime and a layer of cement, then put the boards back real neat. Painted the walls with blood - made up some stupid symbols so if anyone found 'em they'd think it was stupid teenage wannabe "satanists" doing vandalism. And if they found the body and bits, well, they'd be even further off track.

One other thing I did. Blocked everything so nobody would ever track me, and posted a picture in the chat I met the fucking creep on. Body and Bits, I called it. Scared some shit right out of those suck fuckers.

You know it.

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